How Did Jodi Arias And Travis Alexander Meet?

In 2020, ABC News spoke with those close to Travis Alexander who witnessed his relationship with Jodi Arias from the very beginning — including the first time they met in Las Vegas, a city where neither lived, in 2006. As ABC News summarized, both were there for professional pursuits, rather than personal: Alexander was a motivational speaker and salesperson for the multi-level marketing company Pre-Paid Legal Services, which Jodi Arias was preparing to break into on the ground level. A photographer and food server who had fallen on financial hard times, Arias decided to attend a company conference in Las Vegas to gain more insight into PPL and how to make it work for her. Alexander, a seasoned and successful company member, regularly attended PPL conferences like this. 

Alexander and Arias became acquainted at the city's famous MGM Grand, and Alexander — who was a member of the LDS church — quickly asked if she would attend a company dinner party event as his date. Arias agreed — despite the fact that she had a long-term, live-in boyfriend back at home in California, per ABC News. In the report, Alexander gushed over Arias in emails. "I went from intrigued by her to interested in her to caring about her deeply to realizing how lucky I would be to have her as part of my life forever," Alexander wrote to his friend Chris Hughes. "She is amazing. It is not hard to see that whoever scores Jodi, whether it be me or someone else, is gonna win the wife lotto."
